check up aziendale

We adopt a pragmatic approach with the customer and we listen to hes concerns, hes vision of the market, the description of the real problems of hes company, market, competitors and employees. With the client we value the opportunity to make a Company Check-Up to detect what are the factors that affect Company’s competitive capabilities. Company Check Up , is realized through the signing of a specific mandate that indicates whether the performance will be rewarded well as on a fixed basis (especially in the first phase) also on a variable basis.


We make a critical examination of Company’s competitive ability, through major factors of opportunity and risk. The conclusions of this first phase are presented to the customer that, at the end, decide if the goal he want to achieve is doable and attainable.


We define, in agreement with the customer, the objectives pursued in practice, the solutions to be promoted, as well as the opportunities, risks and associated costs. In case this is too much costly for the customer he can share a path of intermediate objectives in the long run that will enable him to achieve the ultimate goal.

Operating plan

We determine the solution chosen, the actions to promote, their timing and the return on investment. In this phase we support operatively Client Company’s Management  for an intervention that examines all aspects of the plan: from market analysis to product management, from distribution channels to the sales structure, in order to achieve sustainable development without creating excessive harm to financial balance.